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- 燕鎚起銅器(新潟)
燕鎚起銅器(新潟)Tsubame Hand-hammerd Copperware (Niigata)

The beauty created from a single metal board.
Tsubame copperware is a beautiful and seamless three-dimensional vessel made by hammering each copper and tin plate one by one. Not only does it have a sharpened design, but it also has the practicality of skillfully taking advantage of the unique properties of copper, such as maintaining the temperature of drinks and purifying water by the ionic effect.
燕鎚起銅器 カップ ストレート 綿条文Copper cup Senjobun大 ¥35,750 (with tax)
小 ¥31,900 (with tax)燕鎚起銅器 銅ロックカップ 各種Copper rock cup¥31,900~ (with tax)
燕鎚起銅器 ティーポット・マグカップCopper teapot, mug cupポット¥75,900 (with tax)
カップ¥26,400 (with tax)燕鎚起銅器 急須Copper teapot¥110,000~ (with tax)
燕鎚起銅器 酒器Copper drinking vessel片口 ¥33,000 (with tax)
ぐい呑 ¥21,120~ (with tax)燕鎚起銅器 銘々皿 桜Copper plate Cherry blossom金 ¥30,800 (with tax)
銀 ¥29,150 (with tax)