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- 江戸からかみ(東京)
江戸からかみ(東京)Handprinted Rice Paper (Tokyo)

An art work of Japanese paper with print and decoration.
Karakami" originated from the decoration of the paper used to copy Japanese poetry used in the capital of Kyoto during the Heian period. In the Edo period, "Edo karakami" was born, reflecting the unique aesthetic sense of Edo. By refining technology and adding new creativity, "Edo Karami" is still made with craftsmen's techniques.
江戸からかみ ご祝儀袋Edo-karakami special money envelope¥16,500~ (with tax)
江戸からかみ ご祝儀袋Edo-karakami money envelope¥1,320~ (with tax)
江戸からかみ ポチ袋Edo-karakami decorative paper envelope¥220~ (with tax)
江戸からかみ カードEdo-karakami card¥440~ (with tax)